Sending get well wishes to someone who is sick or recovering is a beautiful gesture that shows our support & care, boosting their mood and aiding their recovery process. The best way to do it is by personalizing the message, expressing genuine concern, and offering assistance if needed. 
Here are some nice examples of get well wishes in Polish, that would look great in a card delivered together with your Get Well flowers.



Simple & short get well phrases

Dużo zdrowia!

Get well! (Lit. "Lots of health"!)

Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia!
Feel better soon!

Życzymy jak najszybszego powrotu do zdrowia!
Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Mam nadzieję, że wkrótce poczujesz się lepiej!
Hoping you feel better soon!

Get well wishes - for your loved ones

Sending get well wishes to your loved ones & family members is important as it shows your support, care, and concern during their time of illness or recovery. It helps uplift their spirits and lets them know that they are not alone in their journey to wellness.

Dużo zdrowia, kochanie!
Get well soon, my love!

Życzę Ci szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia. Nie mogę się doczekać, aż znów zobaczę twój beztroski uśmiech!
Wishing you a speedy recovery. Can't wait to see you smile again soon!

Myślę o Tobie i mam nadzieję, że szybko poczujesz się lepiej. Dużo zdrowia!
Thinking of you and hoping you will recover fast. Feel better soon!

Odpoczywaj, zdrowiej, i o nic się nie martw, kochanie. Mam nadzieję, że wkrótce poczujesz się lepiej!
Rest up, get better, and do not worry about anything, my love. Hoping you feel better soon!

Obyś z każdym dniem czuł się lepiej. Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia!
May each day bring you closer to better health. Wishing you a speedy recovery. (*to a man)
Obyś z każdym dniem czuła się lepiej. Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia!
May each day bring you closer to better health. Wishing you a speedy recovery. (*to a woman)

Nie mogę się doczekać, aż znów staniesz na nogi! Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia!
Can't wait to see you back on your feet! Get well soon!


Get well wishes
Send get well flowers

Support from loved ones is incredibly important in difficult times such as illness. A gesture such as sending a bouquet with warm wishes and an offer of help is a gesture that doesn't cost much, but can make a huge difference.

Send flowers

Get well wishes – corporate

Sending get well wishes to your colleagues, employees, business partners in a corporate setting is important as it fosters a supportive work environment, and boosts morale. It shows that you value their well-being beyond professional duties, strengthening interpersonal relationships.

That also explains why Corporate Get Well Flowers are extremely popular. Get well flowers from employers for employees offer a tangible symbol of care and well-being.

W imieniu całego zespołu / firmy XXX życzymy szybkiego i całkowitego powrotu do zdrowia.
On behalf of team / company XXX we would like to wish you a speedy and complete recovery. 

Najserdeczniejsze życzenia powrotu do zdrowia.
Warmest / heartfelt wishes for your recovery.

Życzymy szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia. Nie możemy się doczekać Twojego powrotu.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. We look forward to your return.

Życzę szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia. Skoncentruj się na swoim zdrowiu i regeneruj siły, wiedząc, że Twój projekt jest w świetnych rękach. 
I wish you a speedy recovery. Focus on your health and regenerate, knowing that your project is in great hands.

W tym momencie najważniejsze jest Twoje zdrowie. Możesz odpoczywać spokojnie, wiedząc, że pod Twoją nieobecność wszystko jest pod kontrolą.
Your health is the most important thing at this moment. You can rest easy, knowing that everything is under control / is being taken care of in your absence.


Get well wishes – religious

Sending someone get well wishes that align with their religious beliefs is a lovely gesture. It demonstrates respect for their faith and values, providing comfort and solace. It fosters a sense of connection and understanding. Ultimately, it can uplift their spirits and contribute positively to their healing process. Here are some religious get well wishes you can send.

Modlę się o Twój szybki powrót do zdrowia.
Praying for your swift recovery.

Niech Bóg obdarzy Cię szybkim powrotem do zdrowia.
May God's grace grant you a speedy recovery.

Modlę się o Twój szybki powrót do zdrowia i pełni sił dzięki miłosierdziu Boga.
Praying for your speedy recovery and strength through God's mercy and love.

Niech Boża miłość i pokój otaczają Cię podczas powrotu do zdrowia.
May God's love and peace surround you during your recovery.

Get Well flowers to Poland


Get well wishes – in case of a serious illness

Sending get well wishes to someone struggling with a serious or terminal illness is definitely not easy. In those cases, the right words can be truly hard to find. It is, however, important as it offers a sense of comfort and emotional support during a challenging time. It acknowledges their struggle and reminds them that they are not alone in their journey. These heartfelt messages can provide a source of strength and encouragement, helping them to maintain a positive outlook and find moments of solace:


Życzę Ci pocieszenia i siły w tym trudnym czasie.
Wishing you comfort and strength during this tough time.

Trzymaj się, jesteś silniejszy niż myślisz.
Hang in there, you're stronger than you know.

Niech każdy dzień przybliża Cię do wyzdrowienia i spokoju.
May each day bring you closer to recovery and peace.

Wiedz, że jesteś w moich myślach. Życzę Ci pocieszenia i odwagi w tym trudnym czasie.
Know, that I am thinking of you. I am wishing you comfort and courage during this challenging time.


Most important in your get well wishes: offer help

Whichever wishes you decide to send, one of the most important components of your wishes, is… the offer to help.

Including an offer for help in get well wishes shows genuine concern and support, reassuring the recipient they're not alone. It demonstrates a willingness to provide tangible assistance. Such uplifting gestures foster a sense of community and connection, contributing positively to the healing process. So consider adding them to your wishes. If you live close – offer help with babysitting, cooking or errands. If you live far, you can still offer your time for a chat.


... Jeśli mogę coś dla Ciebie zrobić, nie wahaj się zadzwonić lub napisać!
... If there's anything I can do, I'm just a call or text away!

... Pamiętaj, nie jesteś sam. Jeśli możemy coś dla Ciebie zrobić, proszę daj nam znać.
... You're not alone in this fight. If there's anything we can do, just say the word. (*to a man)
... Pamiętaj, nie jesteś sama. Jeśli możemy coś dla Ciebie zrobić, proszę daj nam znać.
... You're not alone in this fight. If there's anything we can do, just say the word. (*to a woman)

... I pamiętaj - jeśli potrzebujesz rozmowy, zadzwoń o każdej porze.
... And remember - Call me for a chat anytime.

... Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy w jakiejkolwiek sprawie, pomocy w domu, czy po prostu rozmowy, jestem tutaj dla Ciebie.
... If you need a helping hand with anything at all, whether it's around the house or just someone to talk to, I'm here for you.

... Jeśli mogę coś zrobić, aby ułatwić Ci powrót do zdrowia, niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o gotowanie, spacer z psem, czy po prostu dotrzymywanie Ci towarzystwa, nie wahaj się i daj mi znać.
... If there's anything I can do to make your recovery easier, whether it's running errands, cooking meals, walking your dog or just keeping you company, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Send get well flowers to Poland

Send your lovely words of support with a tangible reminder of care - flowers or a gourmet basket with delivery to your loved ones recovering in their homes or hospitals:

With same-day delivery

Gourmet baskets with tea

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