Every special moment deserves a special bouquet. "The Moment" is a bouquet that delights with pink roses, fragrant freesias, small chrysanthemums, carnations, and a touch of pittosporum and pistachios. Big WOW with a small price tag; this beautifully composed composition is perfect for any special occasion and reason.
From bustling cities to quiet corners of Poland - this bouquet can be delivered anywhere in the country, and thanks to the Track & Trace option you can always be up-to-date and know when your beautiful parcel will reach the recipient. The bouquet will be delivered in a special Euroflorist box, which ensures not only safe delivery but also a lovely unboxing experience. All it takes is a splash of water and our flower food to unlock vibrant colours and fresh fragrances.
Thanks to complimentary Lindt chocolates & its exceptional beauty offered at a great value, it's certain to bring joy to both the giver and the recipient.