Miś Brązowy w koszulce
Product code: U641

Teddy "Brown bear in a shirt"

The unique20 cmteddy bearforsomeone special!It hassoftfurandeyesthatstealthe heart,forgiveeverything andput in ajoyful moodeven in the mostdepressingday!It will bea greatcomforteraswell ascommunicateyourfeelings!

Product code: U641

Additional accessories:

"Blanco" Card 9.90 zł
"For You, Mum" Card 9.90 zł
"I Love You" Card 9.90 zł
"Get Well Soon" Card 9.90 zł
"Best Wishes" Card 9.90 zł
Next-day Delivery
Delivery: 19.90 PLN
A Perfect Gift for any Occassion
The Best Complement for a Bouquet
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