This loose, natural Christmas bouquet features vibrant red carnations, red chrysanthemums, poinsettias, ilex, pine cones, and other seasonal decorations. The bouquet is complemented with eucalyptus and a generous amount of green accents, giving it a fresh, festive feel perfect for the holiday season. This bouquet is a beautiful and affordable way to bring the Christmas spirit into your home or send out Christmas wishes to your loved ones and business partners in Poland. Available in three sizes, this bouquet will help you share the magic of the holidays, no matter your budget.
- The bouquet will be hand-tied and delivered by a local Euroflorist florist, even same-day and on Christmas Eve morning, December 24 - Includes a free note for your Christmas wishes. Does not include a vase. For an even greater surprise, pair it with a card, chocolates or other Christmas gifts