A delightful mix of soft pastel and rich shades. Created by experienced florists from pink gerberas, roses, alstroemeria, carnations, limonium and pistachio twigs, resulting in a harmonious composition of full charm and elegance.
Delight someone with beautiful flowers, while enjoying stress-free delivery; We will deliver this bouquet by courier to any address in Poland - with a Track & Trace code allowing you to track the surprise every step of the way. Delivered in a secure, specially designed box, ensuring your flowers arrive safely and ready to impress upon opening. This bouquet will transform every space into a floral paradise - all it takes is a splash of water and our nourishing flower food to enjoy beautiful blossoms.
Thanks to its exceptional beauty offered at a great value, it's sure to bring joy to both the giver and the recipient. And to make your surprise even more unforgettable, do not forget to a card full of heartfelt wishes or delicious chocolates.