How to say IT with flowers? Meaning of roses by colors & numbers


They don't speak, but they can say so much - beautiful roses. Are you wondering which color & number of roses to choose? Or are you wondering how many roses should be in your Valentine's Day bouquet to symbolize exactly what you want to express? There are colors to watch out for! Here is the symbolism of colors and numbers of roses in a bouquet.

See also: Create a custom rose bouquet


Rose colors — meanings

Czerwona róża znaczenie

Red roses - Meaning

The symbolism of red roses is rather obvious.

Red roses symbolize strong love and passion. Are you confident in your love and do you believe in a future together? Choose red roses to emphasize your strong feelings. 

Who should I give red roses to? Red roses are a timeless choice for Valentine's Day, anniversary, and no occasion at all. Give it especially to the person you are in love with. 

Below you will also read what is the symbolism of the exact number of red roses in a bouquet.


Różowe róże - znaczenie

Pink roses - Meaning

Pink roses usually symbolize youth, tenderness, romance, infatuation and beauty, but also uncertainty. These features make them the perfect gift in a new relationship or at the dating stage. Did you receive a pink rose? Perhaps the person who gave it is unsure whether your love is reciprocated. Don't miss this opportunity!
You can also give pink roses to a friend, mother or other loved ones.
They will be a nice gift for name day or birthday and an expression of congratulations / thanks. 

Żółte róże - znaczenie

Yellow roses - Meaning

Ups! Caution is required when sending yellow roses to a loved one. Yellow roses in a relationship mean problems. For some, they can be a symbol of betrayal, lost feelings or jealousy. 
Yellow roses are recommended especially as a gift for loved ones and friends, then they lose their negative meaning. Gifted to loved ones, they will mean optimism, joy, fun, friendship.
They will be a great gift for good friends, a symbol of our encouragement and support - cheering someone before e.g. an important exam. 



Send roses to Poland

Białe róże - symbolika i znaczenie

White roses - Meaning

They represent peace, purity, innocence and elegance. Often chosen for a wedding, however, the potential of this color of roses is much greater. Give them, for example, to a woman whom you want to show the purity of your intentions. 

Do you find it difficult to show your feelings or even put them into words? Let the white roses speak for you.

Lawendowe i fioletowe róże - symbolika

Lavender roses - Meaning

Was it love at first sight? 

Then lavender roses are exactly what you should give him/her on Valentine's Day. They symbolize enchantment and love at first sight. A unique gift for the first morning with the person you care about.

Pomarańczowe róże znacznie

Orange r
oses - Meaning

Orange roses represent enthusiasm, joy, fascination, desire and passion. Did you receive orange roses? Perhaps the sender of the bouquet wants to say that he is ready for the next stage in the relationship. 


Herbaciane róże znaczenie

Tea roses — meaning

 Tea roses do not have a commonly established symbolism in a cultural context. The tea rose can be interpreted as a symbol of peace, balance and harmony. Its delicate shade may be associated with gentleness and subtlety.

In some contexts, the tea rose can also represent a new beginning, renewal of strength and freshness.

In a business setting, tea roses can be used to show gratitude.


Niebieskie róże znaczenie

Blue roses - meaning

What does a blue rose mean? The blue rose is an extraordinary symbol. Blue roses are considered to be something unreal and is often interpreted as an expression of mystery and impossibility.

The blue rose symbolizes dreams, desires and longings that may be difficult to achieve. This color can also represent mystery, enigmaticity and extraordinary beauty.


Zielone róże znaczenie

Green roses - meaning

A green rose can symbolize revival, hope and rebirth. Its green color is associated with nature, life and growth. A green rose can also be interpreted as a symbol of mystery, enigmaticity or uniqueness, as it stands out from traditional rose shades.

In the context of love, a green rose can usually express unusual, fresh love or be a symbol of waiting for something new and unknown.


znaczenie czerwonych róż

znaczenie pastelowych róż


Order Roses


If you do not want to make a mistake...

Would you like to give someone roses, but you don't want the surprise to be associated with any color symbolism? A safe choice will always be multicoloured bouquets of roses:


Order Mixed Rose Bouquets


Number of roses - meaning

Does the number of roses in a bouquet matter? Yes, it has been assumed that not only the color, but also the number of roses in the bouquet is associated with a certain symbolism, at least in Poland. 

While 3 red roses will say "I love you", 21 roses will emphasize your devotion. 7 roses will assure her of your infatuation, and by choosing 12 roses, you signal your desire for a relationship. 15 roses are a beautiful way to ask for forgiveness, and the famous 108 red roses ... for a hand!

But be careful when sending 66 roses - if it's not a 66th anniversary or birthday bouquet, it could mean romance.

Before you send red roses to your loved one in Poland, check their meaning:


1 rose - means "Love at first sight" [SEND 1 ROSE]

2 roses - mean that the feeling is reciprocated

3 roses - declare a loud "I love you" [SEND 3 ROSES]

5 roses - mean "I'll do anything for you!" [SEND 5 ROSES]

6 roses - declare "I want to be yours"

7 roses - confess "I'm infatuated with you" [SEND 7 ROSES]

9 roses - declare "Let's be together forever"

10 roses - means delight "You are my ideal" / "You are wonderful, perfect" [SEND 10 ROSES]

11 roses - is an assurance "You are my treasure"

12 roses - is a request "I want you to be mine"

13 roses - means friendship or secret admiration. It can mean that you have a Secret Admirer or that someone cares about your friendship.

15 roses - is a request for forgiveness. 15 roses means "I'm sorry"

20 roses - is a promise " My feelings for you are sincere" [SEND 20 ROSES]

21 roses - emphasizes devotion to the recipient

24 roses - means "I think about you all the time"

25 roses - is an expression of congratulations

33 roses - are a symbol of deep, true love

40 roses - is an assurance of sincere love

44 roses - show attachment, strong bond

50 roses - will say for you "I love you infinitely!" [SEND 50 ROSES]

56 roses - you give "in proof of love"

66 roses - means romance

99 roses - it is an assurance of love for the rest of your life. "I will never leave you"

100 roses - means "A good relationship for 100 years"

101 roses - confesses "You are the love of my life"

108 roses - is a popular way to symbolize the proposal. "Will you marry me" [ORDER]

111 roses - means just like 99 roses - "Love Forever"


Do rose colors and numbers mean the same in your country as in Poland?



Symbolism of rose colors & numbers

Now you know what color and quantity of roses to use to convey exactly what you wish to express. 

Remember, however, that not everyone knows or pays attention to the symbolism of roses. What's even more important is the actual love message in the attached card. For examples of love messages in Polish & English, please visit: Best Valentine's Day wishes & love quotes in Polish

Roses may also have a different meaning in other cultures, which is worth bearing in mind when sending roses to a different country. 


Create your own bouquet
Create a custom rose bouqet

Choose the color, quantity, type and even arrangement of the roses.

Create exactly the bouquet you need and we will deliver it to your beloved one in Poland

Create a custom rose bouquet


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