Kosz Dla Niego
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Kosz Dla Niego
Kosz Dla Niego
Product code: U579

Basket "For him"

Delicious blend of sweet surprises and coffee, which stimulates the senses are perfect for birthday boy as well as for the person in a special way to thank you for your help, good advice or other favors. The basket includes products like: Wedel chocolate, Wedel Lalibel, Chocolate cakes, Oreo, Lindor Coconut and Tchibo coffee. 

Product code: U579
  • price: 169.00 zł

Additional accessories:

"Merry Christmas" Card 8.90 zł
"Blanco" Card 9.90 zł
"For You, Mum" Card 9.90 zł
"Thank You" Card 9.90 zł
"I Love You" Card 9.90 zł
"Get Well Soon" Card 9.90 zł
Next-day Delivery
Delivery: 19.90 PLN
A Perfect Gift for any Occassion
The Best Complement for a Bouquet
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