A vibrant bouquet of 10 colourful roses in shades of red, yellow, and orange, bursting with warmth and cheer, ready to brighten someone's day. Do not be fooled by its small size & great price, this multicoloured rose bouquet features a mix of radiant hues that are sure to uplift and delight any recipient. Also because they come with a complimentary box of delicious Lindt chocolates!
An instant mood booster with a surprisingly small price tag - with our reliable delivery service, you can send this colourful rose bouquet to your loved ones anywhere in Poland, bringing joy and smiles to their doorstep. Thanks to the Track & Trace option, you'll never be left wondering. Plus, you can trust that your colourful surprise will arrive on time and in pristine condition, ready to delight your loved ones.
- Includes a free message card & free Lindt chocolates. Does not include a vase - This bouquet is also available in size: 20 Colourful Roses