10 interesting facts about Poinsettia plant

Unique, eye-catching flowers and one of the most important symbols of Christmas. Poinsettia plants have for many years been one of the most popular plants sold in Poland during the Christmas season. Do you know their history, care tips or what the Polish word for poinsettia is? Here are 10 interesting facts about poinsettia!

1. Poinsettia - origin

What do Mexico and poinsettia plants have in common? Place of Origin! This Christmas plant is very common in Central America, where it grows wild and reaches an exorbitant height of up to 5 meters! The first records of its appearance in Mexico date back to the 16th century. They were also the favorite flowers of the Aztec rulers.

2. The name

The official name of this beautiful plant is Euphorbia pulcherrima. The name "poinsettia" derived from Joel Roberts Poinsett, a botanist and the first US Minister to Mexico. In Poland, this plant is known mostly as a gwiazda betlejemska ("bethlehem star") because just like a Bethlehem star it is a symbol of the begin of Christmas celebratins.

3. Where to buy poinsettia in Poland?

The question should rather be where to buy good quality poinsettia plants in Poland. In December, many supermarkets offer those flowers at quite attractive prices, but their quality may differ significantly from those ordered in a local, Polish flower shop. When ordering a poinsettia plant online at Euroflorist you can be sure that the plant will be delivered straight from a local flower shop.

4. Be careful!

Not everyone knows that poinsettias are poisonous plants. The most dangerous part is the milky sap that is released from its tissues when the plant gets damaged. If there are young children and pets at home remamber to place it in a difficult-to-reach place - e.g. on a higher chest of drawers.

5. Watering poinsettia

Are you wondering how often to water your poinsettia plant? Make sure that the pot ground is always slightly moist. If this is neglected and the ground is too dry, the plant may end up losing its leaves.

6. Best temperature and consitions

Temperature around 18-22 degrees C and a light-filled room - this is how you could briefly describe the optimal conditions for the growth and development of a poinsettia plant. Poinsettia need a minimum of six hours of indirect sunlight each day, but avoid placing it on the windowsill, in direct contact with the radiator, and in places with too much direct sun/too high temperatures. If you want to open your window in cold weather conditions, move it temporarily to a place away from drafts.

7. The symbol of Polish Christmas

Christmas trees and poinsettia plants are two of the most popular symbols of Christmas in Poland. Timeless red poinsettias are a true bestseller, but white, pink or coral plants are becoming more and more popular each Christmas. No matter which one you choose - each plant will be a lovely Christmas decoration.

8. Poinsettia compositions

Compositions with poinsettia flowers will be a beautiful table decoration and will introduce a bit of Christmas mood to any room. If you follow the basic rules of poinsettia flower care, they will delight the eyes of the household members throughout the entire holiday season. In our online florist you will find compositions made of poinsettia in various styles and colors, so it is very easy to find a perfect gift.

9. Poinsettia bouquets

Most of us know poinsettia as potted plants, as they are most often sold that way. However, more and more florists are starting to incorporate poinsettia flowers in their beautiful Christmas bouquets. Explore our: Christmas bouquets with delivery to Poland

10. Poinsettia plant as a gift?

Poinsettia plants are a popular Christmas gift in Poland - especially for mothers, grandmothers and senior family members. Sending someone a poinsettia plant right before Christmas will definitely be a nice touch. It is also a lovely way to send your Christmas wishes, no matter the distance. Simply add them to the card attached free of charge to each one of our bouquets and plants.

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